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Some compound signatures that I see while profiling blood samples have a shape different from the original NMR spectrum. For example, a doublet in the original spectrum appears as a wide singlet in the compound signature.

8 February 2016 admin Comments Off on Some compound signatures that I see while profiling blood samples have a shape different from the original NMR spectrum. For example, a doublet in the original spectrum appears as a wide singlet in the compound signature. FAQ - Sample Preparation

The most common cause of very broad peaks in a plasma sample is high protein content. Even when you use special pulse sequences like CPMG to reduce the appearance of protein signals, some compounds will still bind to the protein, resulting in broadening of specific signals from the affected compounds. We strongly recommend microfiltration of plasma samples using a 3 kDa molecular weight cutoff filter to remove proteins before acquiring spectra. Refer to the user guide for more details.


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